Monday 7 February 2011

Time - Dammit !

First week, second month and eleventh year of this century and, my birthday looming again.

The passing of my birthday will be as momentous as the much advertised millennium bug was, both distinctly non-events, the day will pass with no peal off bells (possibly a chinking sound from the bottle), no cheers or 'for he's a jolly good fellow', no rockets or fire crackers, in fact, not even the pssssss-phutt of a damp squib.

Time has only one pace, no deviation, no consideration for those who can not keep up, no rhythm changes at all and any changes we do detect are illusionary ones like, -  time races when we are enjoying ourselves, or - drags when we are waiting in a queue. These illusions serve to vary our conception of time and save us from the human dilemma of boredom.

Like most things in life we get bored with constant things that have no variety and we look out for something different all the time, this is often observed by managers of production lines where the operatives look for anything to break the boring routine of repeating the same operation all their working day/week/month, or life, it is not surprising that a missing part is the highlight of their day - without such events, there is no variety !

My life is not boring, I am lucky that way, for my years life is quite eventful, thanks to a group of family, friends and acquaintances that provide me with the variety that I seek, my abilities are constantly being tested and my few remaining brain cells exercised at regular intervals.

What I am explaining is that my birthday will happen as part of the march of time and it will mark another year over for me, but also marks another new year that I hope I enjoy as much as all those other happy years I have had in the past, forgetting the bad ones, those dim into insignificance as they recede into the distance, yes I admit it, I do tend to forget the times of stress and discomfort, I am human after all!

Perhaps I should embark on a study to train time to do a slow march for us older people that still have a spark of life in them, two tone time, that's not time for two timers, I would never advance that theory, but time for old timers so they can keep up without overtaxing their heart rate, changing their walking frame for a skateboard or putting their pacemakers into overdrive - - - - Hmmm, food for thought huh!

As a natural born Valentine my birthday serves a double purpose as it has throughout my time so my cards often serve both purposes too, and it has always been exciting to open a card to discover it;s purpose. Now, I am surprised to get cards and they are doubly acceptable when received though, they are rarely of the Valentine variety unless received from a joker.

To all my readers I wish you a happy Valentines day on the Fourteenth of February, and, if it applies, a happy birthday too, it should not be too rare as in theory we are 1/365 th of the total population, it just seems rare as we don't seem to advertise the fact ?

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