Thursday 30 December 2010

Bad start !

Well, nearly new year and I get an emergency call !

A damsel in distress, "Help" she cries "all my power has gone out".

So, I don my Lycra tights and slip my energy underpants over them, then, with my cape flapping in the breeze I hurry to enter the trusty Brimobile.

The supercharged Brimobile starts its atomic engines and speeds me on my way to the scene of devastation in the metropolis of Wembley, as I near the area the populations Christmas lights twinkle but all is silent as I see local people smile at my approach, their celebrations curtailed till this critical situation is resolved.

Ready for instant action , I gain entry to the quivering damsels domain to find all in darkness,from my utility belt I draw my plasma torch and it lights the scene brilliantly but reveals that the area of problem is hidden behind a protective shield, removing this shield may expose bus-bars carrying 240 thousand millivolts.

Thinking of the safety of the damsel and her young son, I ask them to step back to protect themselves and I then gingerly attack the power fuse box with my laser screwdriver, gently I remove the securing screws and I see the cover loosen as I do so, holding my breath in suspense, I ease the cover free of the box and expose the deadly bus-bars, breathing easier, now I lodge the cover in a safe place.

Withdrawing my Brimeter from the belt, I speak my instructions to it and it sets the correct scale, with bated breath my heart quickens as I apply the probes to the incoming supply, with care, for a wrong move at this stage could mean the everything is obliterated in a blinding flash of light - - - - - - - -  The meter reads a big fat zero, Nada, zilch,  "&)$(£:{+}.

The confounded main fuse had blown, and the power company said it may be four hours before their engineers could attend her premises.

So, my time, fuel and patience were stretched to the limit - for nothing.

It is sometimes no fun being a 'Superhero'   Dammit!

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